Dienstag, 16. Juni 2009

Mc Donalds


Dear Listener

There are many cons and pros for the Mc Donalds resturants.
Now i will show you any things for this problems and you can change till cons and pros.

2.Pros. 2.Cons

- friendly people - the most things are not healthy
- many working places - you are going fat
- fast service - bad quality
- it is cheapt to eat there - not clean
- you can eat healthy foos
for example salad
- yuo can eat in the resturant or
you can take it in your hand.


I think Mc Donalds is not good for the people becouse you are going fat and all in all it is not healthy.Many resturants a from Mc Donalds are not very clean and you dont really know what is inside a meal.the atmosphere in these resturants are uncomfortable.


I hope this arrguments shows many people who eat many times in a fast food resturant that this food only has negative sides.



On Tv there is a lot of talk about whether Marijuana should be legalized or not. There are many reports and so called experts who say the time is right for this. I believe that this drug is to dangerous and it should in no way become legal to smoke a joint in public, because our society be changed in a very negative way.


-smoking joints turns people into zombies
-the smoke smells bad
-the consumers needs to be aware of the THC content
-body remembrance
-it manipulates the sensibility of my senses
-the "essentials" are forgotten
-gateway drug


Smoking Marijuana charges a person into an unpredictable zombie like like being.the smoker has to take care of smoking a joint,because the dealers made the THC content of their "higher and higher". Smoking Marijuana damages the body and has a negativ effect on learning and motivation Smoking joints brings the senses into stress and it can lead to mental andbodily disfunctions after smoking a user is in a mentally unstable and he or she forget,the essantials. For many people the smoke of a joint smellsnot verry good. For many people who take drugs,Marijuana was their first drug.


The above arguements should make it clear,that smoking Marijuana should never be legalized for the general public.

Hire you


Dear sir/madam.
I m very happy that i am under the 10 best candidats of your company.In the following arguments i show you that i am a reliable worker and it is a pleasure to work in you company.

2.Pros 2.Cons

- self confidence - dominant charakter
- high motivation - unresistend to change
- teamplayer - mood swings
- flexabiliety - judy people
- able to work under stress - not good at accepting
- good listener - destroyed easaly
- symphatric
- relability


When i comes to work i can very good work in groups so i am a very good team player.
I have good communication skills,that was told me from my colleges an dcostumers, as well i have also reserved a profesinoal training in several foregn countries.


So that was my personally pros and cons, i hope you enjoy this text and we can work together

Sonntag, 22. März 2009

My best friend


I would like to introduce you to some detail about a good friend of mine.
His name is Daniel ,and i have knowen him for about 3 years.


He lives in Bielefeld in a big house with his Girlfriend and his parents.
He has his own flat in the second flor.


he helps his friends every time.He is a quiet guy but if someone is messes with him he is getting angry and can be nasty.


he is a muscular person and yet hi is very bright as well.It is very stimulating when you talk to him about problems.He is in volved in a professional training to be come an adducation as a Sports and fitnnes manager.


It is very inportant for himto be and stay healthy and fit.

Sonntag, 15. Februar 2009

The Projekt week

The Projekt week goes from Thursday the 20.1 till friday the 23.1.The name of the projekt was FLOW.Nobody know what it is ,but we were searching for what it is.On the first day i was at the Naturfreunde haus in Ubedissen.It was a very cold morning, so we started with a little walk through trhe nature. After that we had a nice breakfast outside.As everybody was ready with breakfast we started with Archery. On Wednesday we met us at school.We drove with many people to a small river in Lippe for canouing. it was a very nice day and erverybody has lot of fun.That was the funniest and best day in the week On Tuesday we met a freindly guy his name was ...Igor.. or so.His hobby was Parkour.It is a very dangerous hobby,but we tried to copy it.
That was the Projekt week for me,it was very funny.bye

Dienstag, 9. Dezember 2008

Christmas 2008

On my first christmas day, the 24 december, i will visit with my girlfriend her family. We are going to dine at the evening.
On the second christmas day, the 25th december, i will meet my familiy from my mother's side. We are going to have lunch at the Bernstein.
On the third christmas day, the 26th december, i will take my girlfriend to my family from my father's side. Here we are going to take a brunch at the Oldentruper Hof.

Merry Christmas!

Mittwoch, 12. November 2008

About me

Hi guys...

My name is Dennis. I'm 22 years old. Two years ago I finished my education as a carpenter. At this time I still lived with my mother and my stepfather in Halle Westfalen. After my education I changed my company and moved with my mother and my stepfahter to Steinhagen. I worked in this company for one year, but I want to study further. So we moved all togehter one more time from Steinhagen to Bielefeld-Quelle. Then I registered at the Westfalen Kolleg in Bielefeld for making my A-levels there. One day before the school started, I was in conflict with my family and I have to move again. So now I live in Bielefeld-Heepen alone.

This is my first blog. I hope it is interesting to read.
